Bantock House was originally completed in 1788 and inherited from his father by Baldwin Bantock in 1896. From what we know of Bantock he would appear to have been a keen gardener. The original name of the house was Merridale Farm hence the farm courtyard and outbuildings which now provide space for the tea rooms and conveniences.
Bantock House received funding from the Heritage Lottery fund and extensive work was carried out to restore it to its former glory in 1999. The house holds some fine examples of art and devotes a section to the history of Wolverhampton.
Bantock House also houses a collection of dolls and japanned and enamel ware. The gardens around the house are now small but the surrounding parkland which used to belong to the house is a wonderful example of open space and a haven of tranquility in a busy city.
Visit the website: http://www.wolverhamptonart.org.uk/bantock
Finchfield Road, Wolverhampton. WV3 9LQ. Tel: 01902 552195
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